Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring in Rogers Park

this morning I took the El north to my new digs to give the second round of contractors my keys. As I walked toward my building, the lake was silver in the morning sun, and it was gorgeous. Looking at it made me really happy, especially when i considered that in a little more than a week's time I'll be living here and seeing this every day.

The renovation-company owner, Fred, met me and introduced me to George and Nino, two short, dark men who smiled and stood quietly while Fred and I confirmed plans. I shook their hands, smiled, and handed over the keys, then walked back out.

The local El station is in a quiet, residential area, surrounded by a tiny business district: a cafe sits across the street next to it is a wine shop, a restaurant, and an Irish pub. It's very charming, and I'd already bumped into an acquaintance a few nights before when walking back from meeting the electrician. It really feels like home.

On the train into work I saw the gal I'd bought the place from (!), and we had a nice chat until she got off at her stop. She mentioned that now that she and her husband lived in a house, she felt vulnerable.

"Before, I had all of these people around me, and I was in a building with outside doors. Now, it's just my front door...and then the rest of the world," she said.

I can understand that. I'm looking forward to being part of a community.

In town I hit the Thompson Center to get a replacement license - my wallet was stolen at lunch yesterday, so I have to get everything replaced. It wasn't hard, just a pain in the butt. The Perp managed to have a spending spree at Target before I got to my office to cancel the card . The transaction is still Pending in my account; I can't dispute it unless it becomes a true transaction; I'm hoping the posting delay has to do with the card being reported stolen. Although really; who takes a debit card as payment for almost $500 without checking ID? I hope that cashier has a backup plan.

Off to clean cat and rabbit boxes.

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