Thursday, September 20, 2012

Still here!!!

I miss you all, my online lovelies. I've been super-busy, as I've picked up a freelance gig. A friend operates a theater blog that reviews all the plays in Chicago, and we've had a crap load of openings in the past two weeks -- at one point I saw three shows in as many days, not to mention getting used to writing reviews, which is not as easy as it looks. Still learning how to say more with less. I see shows for free, get a stipend, and build a portfolio.  Check it out -- search for "Joy Campbell" (use the quotes or you'll get things unrelated to me) and you can see the good, the bad, and the ugly of what I've done.

What else -- on a new med; so far so good, and love my new therapist. Psych thinks I'm not bipolar, but  have longstanding anxiety issues. All I know is: give me drugs!

I'll be back soon. Have to write a review for a Sam Shepard play I saw tonight. Will get out the thesaurus to find various ways to say "WHAT THE HELL?!?!"

1 comment:

karen said...

Sounds good ... er ... great! Glad to hear that you are talking to someone you like, that is always a great thing. I myself am barely coming up for air. Gulp!

miss you!