Sunday, April 15, 2012

Trifextra Week 12: The Apology, Correctly

For this week's  Trifextra challenge, we were to write a letter of apology in exactly 33 words.  I mistakenly used "333," which kind of kills the point. Naturally, you are disqualified if you don't follow the rules, but that's OK.  The submission deadline has closed, but I did the exercise again, this time correctly,  anyway, for the fun of it. Here it is, just for you.

I’m sorry I didn’t stand on a table and tell your friends I endured their asshole behavior only because I cared about you. And that I didn’t tell you to go to hell. 


karen said...

Bwa ha ha! OMG dying!

I knew this would be a terrific exercise the moment I saw it but I also knew my weekend was a write-off. I'm still recovering and my nephew is dropping his kids off in a bit so I don't know when I will be awake and unencumbered enough to actually think straight. zzzzzz ...

but when I do, I'll alert the media. Um ... that's you. =)

JC said...

I'll be your personal paparrazi!