Friday, May 8, 2009

Vienna Redux

When SP, AN and I were in Vienna, I wanted to buy a gift for our Hungarian translator, so I went into a Lush store to get her a gift box. We were in a hurry, so I was really focused as I looked over the racks of things.

One of the shop girls took SP aside and asked, "Why is she so angry?"

SP asked me that again today, And you know, I have no answer. I just am. Not angry in the way you feel it when it forms a filter between you and other people, just angry in that I'm easily irritated by, well, everything. 

I feel a lot better when I get home, close the door, and lie on the floor with the animals, the cats especially. And make popcorn. I like popcorn.


SP said...

It's probably because you got kids now.

JC said...

True; being a single mom is hard.