Wednesday, April 1, 2009

There is a spectre haunting Europe....

I was home all day, working on a painting. When I needed a break, I called SP at work. When SP got home, he called me. We discussed a very cool evolution of a word root involving an an Oak tree, the Salmon of Knowledge, the Druids, mistletoe, and Dryads. Then the conversation moved to politics (we both love Angela Merkel). Then..

"What's the first line of The Communist Manifesto"? SP asked.

"Gee," I said, "I forget. It's been a long time since first grade."

As we spoke, The Communist Manifesto appeared in my In Box.

"I wonder how many months of government surveillance that bought me," I said.

It's a rather cumbersome translation.

Still, all struggle is class struggle.


SP said...

Well, it may be cumbersome, but at least it's a PDF.

JC said...

Is that like DDR?

SP said...

Yes, although it's proved somewhat more popular on a global scale.

JC said...

well, whose fault is that?

SP said...


JC said...

And don't you forget it!

SP said...

Guess what you're getting for Easter! (And when you're getting it!)

JC said...

A chocolate Hitler?